by Nathan Wheeler

Dating with a stoma

by Nathan Wheeler

Nathan shares his experience around dating with a stoma and how being open and honest with people has helped him navigate the world of dating.

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Categories: Relationships, Sex and Intimacy

by Nathan Wheeler

Finding a Balance

by Nathan Wheeler

It’s easy to get swept up in the business of everyday life. Nathan share’s his experience with trying to find a balance between doing it all and doing nothing.

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by Nathan Wheeler

Snacks, Supplies and Recovering after a Long Trip

by Nathan Wheeler

Nathan shares his favourite snacks to help manage his output while away as well as his tips to help your body to recover after travelling.

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Categories: Chronic Illness and Disability, Travel, Product reviews, Common Issues, Tips and Advice

by Nathan Wheeler

Staying Away from Home with a Stoma

by Nathan Wheeler

Nathan shares his tips for staying away from home with a stoma. Covering everything from noises to a dodgy toilet flush, Nathan’s tips are great for anyone nervous about staying away from home for the first time!

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Categories: Chronic Illness and Disability, Common Issues, Tips and Advice

by Nathan Wheeler

How fitness helped my mental health

by Nathan Wheeler

Nathan shares his fitness journey from bunking off PE at school to hiking mountains post-op.

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Categories: Chronic Illness and Disability, Surgery, Tips and Advice, Movement and Exercise

by Nathan Wheeler

My concerns as an ostomate

by Nathan Wheeler

Nathan shares concerns he has as an ostomate and how he addresses them in an effort to help you navigate through some of your worries.

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Categories: Chronic Illness and Disability, Travel, Diet and Nutrition, Tips and Advice, Movement and Exercise, Fashion