by Nathan Wheeler

Embracing Pride: Loving your body, ileostomy and all

by Nathan Wheeler

In celebration of Pride Month Nathan talks about his journey of self-acceptance and how he embraced his identity as a gay man with an ileostomy.

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Categories: Chronic Illness and Disability, Mental Health, Relationships

by Nathan Wheeler

Dating with a stoma

by Nathan Wheeler

Nathan shares his experience around dating with a stoma and how being open and honest with people has helped him navigate the world of dating.

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Categories: Relationships, Sex and Intimacy

by SecuriCare Team

Stoma Care Nurse Says: Let’s Talk About Sex And Stomas

by SecuriCare Team

Sex with a stoma is a topic that many find difficult to discuss with their Stoma Care Nurse, but they shouldn’t. Sex is natural and if you have concerns, you may benefit from speaking to your nurse or reading this blog in the meantime.

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Categories: Tips and Advice, Relationships, Sex and Intimacy

by Stephie Simpson

Telling New Friends About Having A Stoma

by Stephie Simpson

It’s difficult to know how to have the conversation about having a stoma. However, it’s important to know that your friends and family will always want to support you. Here Stephie explains how she recently broached the situation with two new friends.

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Categories: Relationships