Stoma Care And Continence Care Resources
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As well as the information on our website and the advice that our friendly team are happy to provide over the phone, SecuriCare offers a range of additional resources to support your care:
- Hand in Hand is our own magazine, packed full of people's own experiences of life with a stoma or incontinence issues, recipe ideas, advice from nurses and much more! SecuriCare customers are sent a paper copy with their deliveries but if you'd like to read our online version you can view it here.
- Learn more about life with a stoma and/or urinary incontinence, plus the meaning of an ‘invisible illness’ through our invisible illnesses audio series featuring an ostomate, Stoma Care Nurse, Urology & Continence Nurse Advisor and member of the SecuriCare Careline team.
- Our educational resources page includes our invisible illnesses audio series, plus a skin health tool and a number of information booklets that you may find useful. Our booklets cover lots of topics including travel, diet and pouch changing. Download them to read in your own time or request a paper copy from the SecuriCare team.
- Many people with stomas and incontinence find the best form of support comes from other people who are going through what you are - either by chatting to them online or meeting up face-to-face. We've pulled together a handy list of support groups to help you get started.
- To help monitor your skin's health around your stoma, we’ve created a free Skin Health Tool available for download. To download this tool please visit the dedicated web page by clicking here.