SecuriCare Supports The Sunflower

SecuriCare has adopted the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower to help support and raise awareness of those living with a hidden disability. From today we will be making Sunflower lanyards available as a complimentary item to our customers.
Advances to medical appliances has meant that for many, living with a stoma or continence can be discreet. It is a personal choice who you wish to share information about your stoma or incontinence with, and to what extent, meaning that you can go about your daily tasks with those around you none-the-wiser. However, living with an invisible condition can be challenging.
In the UK 1 in 5 people have a disability, 80% of these are hidden. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is about supporting people with a hidden disability, making the invisible, visible and helping them attain the understanding, patience and assistance needed when going about their daily lives.
Wearing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower discreetly indicates to people around the wearer including staff, colleagues and health professionals that they need additional support, help or a little more time.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme was established in 2016. Since then it has been adopted globally by major airports and venues and in the UK, by many supermarkets, railway and coach stations, leisure facilities, the NHS, a number of police, fire and ambulance services, and an increasing number of small and large businesses and organisations.
The Sunflower exists to help those with disabilities that are not immediately obvious such as autism, chronic pain, dementia, anxiety, visual or hearing impairment. This may also include those living with a stoma or incontinence needs. The aim is to help make the invisible, visible.
If you think you would benefit from using a Sunflower lanyard, please contact us on 0808 301 8566.
Not using SecuriCare? If you wish to discuss SecuriCare’s home delivery service and its benefits, such as our range of complimentary items including the Sunflower lanyard, call 0800 582 125.
For more information about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme, visit
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by SecuriCare Team